Monday, May 6, 2013

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A Quick Announcement!

Hey RainBows!
    Quick update hopefully I'll start getting some traffic going in the future...for now though I'll just keep posting regularly. Keep the flow a river! Anyways tomorrow I'm going to work on a new pose pack inspired by artists I listen to...personal pictures of theirs, photo shoots, etc. There will be 2 couple poses, my first pregnancy pose and 11 modeling poses. It may take me a couple of days to create so expect it to be released by either Thursday or Friday.
    This has really become a type of therapy for me. Before I was making these poses I was wasting day after day on Facebook begging for friends to talk to me but now I've got my Facebook deactivated with no urges to get on AND I'm focusing on my homework more! (So yay and Thank You!!)
    Now time to listen to The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me and settle down. Good Night and many great things tomorrow!


  1. Litia said...

    We started publishing your poses, so it should bring you some traffic. Don't rush to make your poses too fast and you will be fine.

    I totally understand how deactivating Facebook can help, so just do your homeworks and have fun with poses you want to make, the rest doesn't matter. As long as those poses are good, people will find you :)

  2. Bowie said...

    Thanks you so much!! <3

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